additional support

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

The nursery has regard to the statutory guidance set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability code of practice (DfE 2015) to identify, assess and make provision for children’s special educational needs. At Kiddiwinks Nurseries Ltd we use the SEND Code of Practice (2015) definition of Special Educational Needs and Disability:

A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. We are committed to the inclusion of all children. All children have the right to be cared for and educated to develop to their full potential alongside their peers through positive experiences, to enable them to share opportunities and experiences and develop and learn from each other. We provide a positive and welcoming environment where children are supported according to their individual needs and we work hard to ensure no children are discriminated against or put at a disadvantage as a consequence of their needs. Each child’s needs are unique, therefore any attempt to categorise children is inappropriate.


We are committed to working in partnership with parents in order to meet their child’s individual needs and develop to their full potential. We are committed to working with any child who has a specific need and/or disability and making reasonable adjustments to enable every child to make full use of the nursery’s facilities. All children have a right to a broad and well-balanced early learning environment.

Where we believe a child may have additional needs that have previously been unacknowledged, we will work closely with the child’s parents and any relevant professionals to establish if any additional action is required.


We have 3 Special Education Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinators (SENDCO). In addition to our SENDCO’s we work closely with Stockport SEND team through the local authority who provide our SENDCO with support, advice and guidance.

The role of the SENDCO In our setting includes:

  • ensuring all practitioners in the setting understand their responsibilities to children with SEN and the setting’s approach to identifying and meeting SEN
  • advising and supporting colleagues
  • ensuring parents are closely involved throughout and that their insights inform action taken by the setting
  • liaising with professionals or agencies beyond the setting
  • taking the lead in implementing the graduated approach and supporting colleagues through each stage of the process.