consent form

Will you give your consent to staff at Kiddi-Winks to seek emergency medical advice and/or treatment in my absence. *
Will you give your consent to staff at Kiddi-Winks to administer Calpol to my child if their temperature reaches 37.8 Degrees C. I understand that if my child has a temperature they must be sent home. *
Will you give your consent to staff at Kiddi-Winks to apply sun cream to your child *
Will you give your consent to staff at Kiddi-WInks for your child to go on outings and trips (e.g. Parks, Libraries, shops) *
Will you give your consent to staff at Kiddi-Winks to apply face paint to your child. *
Will you give your consent to staff at Kiddi-WInks to photograph/video you child for use on *

I/we have read and understood the terms and conditions on the booking form referring to: the deposit payable; the monthly payment of fees; the notice required should I/we remove our child from the nursery. I/we confirm that our child has received the mandatory immunisations. I/we have completed the consent form as requested.