baby room
Baby Room
All babies in our care will be nurtured and have all their needs met on demand and will feel safe and secure. We follow a “key worker” system. This system encourages the belief that each baby should have a particular member of staff designated to his/her individual care, to enable the child to form strong attachments.
Our baby room is limited to sixteen children and offers an open, light space where they can safely crawl and explore a range of exciting recourses on their level or have cuddles in the cozy area looking at books or making music.
We ask you to provide nappies, wipes/cotton wool, creams and spare clothes. Your baby will have their own box and peg where their belongings will be stored.
There will be one nursery practitioner for every 3 babies.
Our babies love going out in our 6 seater prams exploring the world around us. Each baby will be provided with their own drinking cup labelled with their name and fresh drinking water is available throughout the day.

our baby room…