woddler room
Woddler room
Woddler room caters for children aged 18 Months to 2 ½ years old. The environment is set out so resourses are easily accessible to children, allowing them to make independent choices and take lead in their play.
We offer plenty of opportunities for the children to develop physically through climbing, crawling and balancing. Our staff have completed training on the importance of being physically active and have been awarded a Stockport’s Physical Champions badge. We like lots of messy play to stimulate our senses.
Once children turn 2 the ratio for practitioner to child is 1:4
Woddlers have their own bathroom and changing area, its easy access is great for toilet training. At Kiddi-winks we provide the best possible start for your child, all activities and learning experiences are planned by skilled staff and will enhance every aspect of your child’s development. Throughout the day we share group time, reading stories, singing and dancing with our friends.

our woddler room…